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Do You Know the Symptoms of being in the Wrong Job?

Are you happy at your job? Or do you find it hard to make yourself get up and go in the morning? How do you know if it’s really the wrong place for you to be? If any of the following statements describe you, it may be time to reconsider your career path.

1. Money is the only reason you’re there. If you would change jobs if you knew you’d make as much money at the new place, then you’re meant to be somewhere else, or doing something else.

2. You watch the clock. Do you spend your workday counting down the hours and minutes until quitting time? Do you live for the weekends? Then your job isn’t a good fit for your life. People say “if you love your job, you’ll never work a day in your life.” Well, not that many people love their jobs that much! But your time is too valuable to spend doing something that has no meaning and brings little happiness to your life.

3. You don’t like telling people what you do for a living. How do you feel when someone asks “What do you do?” People who love (or at least like) their jobs feel that their work is an extension of who they are and what they stand for. Do you feel you have to excuse or justify your job? Do you mention that you’re just in it to pay the bills? If you don’t feel that you can be yourself at work and be proud of what you do, it’s time to look elsewhere.

4. You’d rather go to the dentist than go to work. Root canal, anyone? If you truly can’t stand spending 40 hours a week at your job and would rather be just about anywhere else, then you need to listen to the signals your inner self is sending you. You are clearly not where you should be.

5. Your job is making you sick – literally.  Are you experiencing headaches, tension, lethargy, or anxiety because of your work? Unhappiness with our circumstances can manifest itself into various physical symptoms. If you’re refusing to listen to your intuition, if you’re ignoring the other four signs, your body will speak up to let you know that you’re headed in the wrong direction.

The average person spends 1/3 of their time at work. That’s a lot of time to spend doing something that isn’t personally fulfilling. If you’re ready for a great new job, or if you need advice on where to go next in your career, contact the experts at Synerfac. We’d be happy to help you find your way!
