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Five Tips for Conducting a New Hire’s Performance Review

Even with some companies famously eschewing employee reviews, the practice provides most technology firms a necessary means for benchmarking their entire team — especially new hires. Recent staff additions usually need additional assurance they are reaching any assigned goals and are contributing to the overall success of the company. If the new employee isn’t meeting expectations, a performance review plays a vital role in communicating this fact while offering a plan to help fix the situation.

With providing useful feedback for all new employees in mind, here are five tips for conducting performance reviews for recent hires.

Don’t Wait a Year for a New Employee’s First Review

While most performance reviews take place on an annual basis, this schedule isn’t helpful for a new employee wanting feedback in a timely fashion. Consider holding two performance reviews at three and six months from their starting date. This offers a chance for both positive reinforcement and some constructive feedback as necessary.

Leverage an Employee Development Plan for Those First Two Reviews

Having an employee development plan tailored to the new hire’s unique skill set helps in setting tangible goals for their first performance reviews after three and six months. This provides meaningful data, making it easier for both the employee and their manager to ensure benchmarks are met moving forward.

Actionable Steps Are a Vital Part of These Early Reviews

When a new hire’s first performance reviews are documented, it is important to include a section offering actionable steps for the employee to either improve their performance or even exceed their goals. Everything from formalized training to self-study needs to be considered. It is important your company provides the necessary resources to properly develop new hires.

Let the Employee Contribute to the Review

Both the new employee and their manager need to contribute their own insights to the performance review. Schedule the review with a week or two of lead time to allow both parties to complete any supporting documentation. It is also important to let the worker play a role in setting goals.

Standardize the Review Process, but Leave Room for the Individual

It is important to develop a standardized review process for new employees, but there also needs to be room within that process to tailor each review to the specific needs of the team member, their current position, and their manager. Like new employees, business processes also need to grow and improve over time.

If your organization wants additional insight on building a winning staff, talk to the experts at Synerfac. One of the top technical and scientific staffing agencies in Wilmington, DE and the East Coast, we offer great candidates able to make a positive difference for your firm. Meet with us today!
